Nutritional Information
Not all products are available at all restaurants. Please check your local restaurant for availability.
Nutritional information given above does not include dressing. The % daily values are calculated based on 2000 calorie diet. Information displayed may vary slightly from actual based on rounding.
Not all products are available at all restaurants. Please check your local restaurant for availability.
The % daily values are calculated based on 2000 calorie diet. Information displayed may vary slightly from actual based on rounding.
Not all products are available at all restaurants. Please check your local restaurant for availability.
The % daily values are calculated based on 2000 calorie diet. Information displayed may vary slightly from actual based on rounding.
Not all products are available at all restaurants. Please check your local restaurant for availability.
The % daily values are calculated based on 2000 calorie diet. Information displayed may vary slightly from actual based on rounding.
Panini Grilled Sandwiches
Not all products are available at all restaurants. Please check your local restaurant for availability.
The % daily values are calculated based on 2000 calorie diet. Information displayed may vary slightly from actual based on rounding.